Saving Sam!!
But first lets review what we've done....
Identify the Controls and Variables
Krusty was told that a certain itching powder was the newest best thing on the market, it even claims to cause 50% longer lasting itches. Interested in this product, he buys the itching powder and compares it to his usual product. One test subject (A) is sprinkled with the original itching powder, and another test subject (B) was sprinkled with the Experimental itching powder. Subject A reported having itches for 30 minutes. Subject B reported to have itches for 45 minutes.
Identify the-
1. Control Group
2. Independent (Manipulated) Variable
3. Dependent (Responding) Variable
4. Explain whether the data supports the advertisements claims about its product.
Bart believes that mice exposed to radio waves will become extra strong (maybe he's been reading too much Radioactive Man). He decides to perform this experiment by placing 10 mice near a radio for 5 hours. He compared these 10 mice to another 10 mice that had not been exposed. His test consisted of a heavy block of wood that blocked the mouse food. he found that 8 out of 10 of the radio waved mice were able to push the block away. 7 out of 10 of the other mice were able to do the same.
Identify the-
5. Control Group
6. Independent (Manipulated) Variable
7. Dependent (Responding) Variable
8. What should Bart's conclusion be?
Lets put our brain to the test!
Use the Scientific Method
Saving Sam.......
Only You Can Help Save Sam!
Sam has been spending his summer boating on the great lakes. However, he’s not too bright (after all, the brains of worms are pretty small). He’s never learned how to swim, and he never wears his life preserver. The worst has happened! His boat has capsized and he’s stuck! Fortunately, his life preserver is in the boat, but unfortunately he does not know how to reach it without falling off and drowning.
Use the Scientific Method to:
How can you and your partner save Sam using only 4 paper clips. You may not touch Sam, the boat, or the life preserver directly with your hands.
- Gummy Worm
- Gummy “Life Saver” preserver
- 1 Plastic or Paper Cup
- 4 Paper Clips
- Work with your partner and "Save Sam".
- Follow the rules.
- Sam, the boat, the life preserver can be touched only with the paper clips. NO HANDS.
- Develop a data section that includes
- Diagrams of how you saved Sam
- A detailed protocol describing the diagrams.
- Homework:
- Analyze and conclude the experiment.
- This means that you must discuss (tell me what you think) about the difficulty of the task, what other strategies you and your partner worked on before you succeeded, and what you think the critical steps were for solving this problem.
- Although this is working backwards, and not how scientists normally work, please develop a hypothesis for this lab. (Remember that a hypothesis is an ‘if-then’ statement: if I do this, then this will happen)
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